A New Dimension

This is what happens when you get all cocky.  Just a couple of weeks ago I said to Chris, I am still feeling so completely great, I wonder if the morning sickness will
just completely pass me by?  Then the nausea set in.  I said to a friend, really not sure what all the fuss is about, I am nauseous and queasy a lot of the time, but nothing I can’t manage.  No problem, I can get through this first trimester no hassles.

Then this weekend (8 weeks) the nausea took on a new dimension, and my aversion to certain foods grew to include almost all foods.  And then yesterday the nausea developed to full blown vomiting.  I will spare you the details, because otherwise I will be chucking up on my laptop, but it’s not pretty.  I am apologising to all the people who really struggle with morning sickness who I quietly thought were just making to a big deal of it, just milking the being pregnant card (which I
totally get).  It’s not true, morning sickness really sucks, but not as much as infertility.

Where in the earlier weeks I was saying to myself every time I read those stupid comments about how the worse your morning sickness is the healthier your babies are that that is an old wives tale.  Now I am hoping it’s all true and all this suffering is because my babies are doing beautifully.

Things have been rather busy the last few days, but just three more days to get through and then on holiday for 11 days.  We still haven’t booked anything and to be
honest with me feeling so rough there doesn’t seem much point spending money on going away so I can lie in a room somewhere and become friendly with a strange toilet, so we may decide to just stay at home and take it very easy.  Maybe make a start on some exciting baby shopping?  Maybe carry on with the exciting house hunting.  I would normally say go out for breakfast, enjoy long lazy lunches, but food just doesn’t do it for me at the moment, so not much appeal in that!

Anyway scan on Thursday, my last scan with my beloved Dr S, oh I know I will cry saying goodbye to him, even though it is for happy reasons.

About MommyAtLast

Finally a Mommy to our Medical Miracle IVF Boy / Girl Twins who were born in November 2011. We overcame azoospermia using hormone therapy for my hubby to conceive our precious Hope Babes on our 4th IVF.
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17 Responses to A New Dimension

  1. tasivfer says:

    Sorry the morning sickness has hit you full-on now! But yes, it’s better than infertility!!! 11 days off – sounds MARVELOUS!

  2. Kitty8218 says:

    It’s so funny we all wish for it so badly, but when it comes I guess we could eat our words on that…. hang in there and go do that baby shopping!

  3. So glad everything is going well. I hope the nasea gets better. I can’t stand feeling queasy…its my worst.

  4. Yvonne says:

    Nita, so glad to hear all is going well. I hope you do feel better soon chick.
    Sure it’s all because your babies are growing so beautifully that you are feeling this way. Have a lovely holiday!

  5. Cam says:

    Oh noo shame…I am grateful that I haven’t tossed yet, but oh how wonderfully reassuring for you even though it is ooooooogie!!! Hopefully this too will pass so we can delight in the 2nd trimester!!! Am so looking forward to the break – we are also not going away and yes…no lazy lunches out planned – aaaargh just can’t face the thought of eating anything either LOL…Lots of sleeping and reading and chilling! Good luck for your last scan with Dr S…I would also cry…xxxx

  6. darylfaure says:

    All I can say is shame my friend! I never had ms, but I really really hate vomiting, so can imagine how k*K you must be feeling. Hang in there – it’s all for a good cause.

  7. zygotta says:

    my pregnant friend just had to park on a curb and vomit because she saw a car with some kind of a burger ad on it
    but you’re right, keep your sight on the positive thing: anything is better than infertility!

  8. Foxypopcorn says:

    Yukky yuk yuk! Sorry that you are feeling so icky right now. It is all for the best, and knowing that must make it all the more bearable. I vote for postponing the vacation trip until you are feeling better. Its no fun to be sick in strange surroundings.

    Take extra special care of yourself girllie!


  9. Dee says:

    Ooh, I remember those days. Awful, even looking at a computer screen made me want to gag. Just eat dry provitas and water. Mine lasted to 15 weeks so prepare for that (sorry!!).

  10. pandoragelb says:

    My sister suffered badly with both her pregnancies, once while on holiday in Portugal. She still cannot look at the photos of the trip 3 years later! Her DH was not able to eat or drink at home for 3 months. Even the smell of her building made her have to run for the bathroom! she even ended up on a dip from all the thowing up! But once it was gone, she put on weight, both her girls are very healthy and had good birth weights. So it may be true! Hope it deosn’t last long!

  11. Aisha says:

    It’s such a strange place to be, to love the nausea due to where it comes, and then to hate it due to how it makes you feel. Hope things get better soon!

  12. Laurie says:

    Ugh. I am sorry that you’re feeling so bad. I hope you enjoy your holiday, whatever you decide to do.

    Happy ICLW!

  13. Stephanie says:

    Stopping in for ICLW. Sorry to hear the morning sickness has set in. I got it early on, about 6 weeks so I knew I was in for a long haul. I hope you are able to keep it under control because it’s no fun. But on a more positive note, congrats on your pregnancy and I wish you luck on this journey!

    ICLW #150

  14. Betsy says:

    Stopping by from ICLW. Congratulations!!!

  15. Browniris says:

    Morning sickness is awful! Hang in there, and hopefully it will ease up soon.


  16. Liz says:

    I think the nausea is a good sign unfortunately. I hope you start feeling better and are able to think good things about food in the future. Congratulations!!

    Visiting from ICLW.

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